Photos from our launch event

We have over 1000 photos of the launch event on our Flickr account.

There may well be good photos of you, particularly if you did the abseil.

They are in two sets “The Launch of Jamie’s fund” are the photos taken from the top of the tower, mainly but not exclusively of the abseilers. “The launch at ground level” are photos taken around the stalls and of people abseiling down.

How to order photos

If you would like any high resolution copies of photos e-mailed to you please e-mail saying which photos you would like, giving the name of the set and the picture numbers.

Please would you give a donation on our MyDonate page for any pictures you request. £5 for up to 5 pictures is a suggestion, but you can vary this either way depending on your means.

[button text=”View the photos” url=”” size=”large” style=”radius” icon=”camera” color=”primary” txt_color=”light” newtab=”true”]

List of abseilers and their approx order in the gallery…

  1. Hugh Burgess
  2. Gerard Murphy
  3. Philip Ellis
  4. Rachel Cupit
  5. Jim Devaney
  6. Fiona Gudger
  7. Toni Jones
  8. Adam Goodwin
  9. Jade Butler
  10. Jake Greig
  11. Sabbath Ncube
  12. Fflur Hughes
  13. Catherine Jones
  14. Julia Whiteley
  15. Terry Williams
  16. Dona Hughes
  17. Patricia Chasi
  18. Luanne Stokes
  19. Stewart Shuttleworth
  20. Roy Newhouse
  21. Chris Massey
  22. Laura Devaney
  23. Charlotte Caulton
  24. Alison Goodwin
  25. Claire Garvey
  26. Louise Robson
  27. Jennifer Roughley
  28. Daniel Birkenhead
  29. Jordan White
  30. Jane White
  31. Richard Mottershead
  32. Linda Shuttleworth
  33. Sandra Pearson Jones
  34. Sean Anglish
  35. Kevin Brown
  36. Bill Marks
  37. Lisa Lloyd
  38. Simon Lloyd
  39. Miriam Badiru
  40. Debbie Nairn
  41. Jackie Marsland
  42. Kate Jones
  43. Ben Badiru
  44. Sonia O’Hara
  45. Alison Odgers
  46. Christine Devaney
  47. David Odgers
  48. Alan Cupit (Jnr)
  49. Alan Cupit (Snr)
  50. James Whitehead
  51. David Husband
  52. Yo Yo Devaney
  53. David Griffiths
  54. Gabi Husband
  55. Mark Devaney
  56. Brian David Devaney
  57. John Taylor
  58. Ewan Wilkinson
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