Meeting James, Rahab and Gorrette.

Some people might remember that in November 2016 we first met James, chained in the darkness of his hut in the Ruwenzori Hills for 15 years. On treatment, he has made a wonderful recovery so that in May last year he and I had a lovely conversation in the sunshine. On this return visit – […]

A joyous day!

Today (20th Feb 2018) was a joyous day for many reasons. Several years ago I (Maureen) met Francis, who was shackled at home because his family and the village were too frightened by his mental illness to allow him any freedom. Not long afterwards he succeeded in killing himself. Today we met his son, who […]

An update on James at Kagando

In November 2016 Dr Maureen Wilkinson went with staff from Kagando hospital, to meet James, a young man with a long term mental health condition that had remained untreated for a number of years.  Maureen was able to make a diagnosis for James and treatment was begun. In October, 2017 Hugh Burgess and John Taylor […]

Developing community mental health in Kagando

In a recent trip to Uganda (October, 2017), Hugh Burgess and John Taylor visited Kagando Hospital where Jamie’s Fund is supporting an initiative that is taking mental health care into the community.  Here they outline the approach Kagando is taking. Kagando is a busy Church of Uganda hospital, not far from the border with the […]