A sad 16-year old

Enock was just one year old when he had his first epileptic fit. Now 16, his whole life has been affected by the fits and the responses of local people to both him and his family. In most of Africa the traditional understanding of epilepsy is the same as for mental illness. There is a […]

New Friends and New Skills – continuing the Professional Development

They came from the east of Uganda, within a few miles of the Kenyan border. They came from the west of Uganda, from within a couple of miles of the border with Congo, They came from the northwest corner of Uganda just over the border into the Congo. Some we have been working with for […]

We are off to a mental health Professional Development Workshop in Kampala!

On-going professional development is hugely important in any profession and perhaps even more so when those professionals often feel isolated by working alone and far from others. Bringing practitioners together allows not only the development of knowledge, skills and understanding but also the building of new support networks. Jamie’s Fund is proud to again be sponsoring […]


Psychiatric Clinical Officer Nancy Mwebesa was given a memorable send-off by her friends and colleagues at Kisiizi Hospital at the end of June. After a lifetime working in Ugandan healthcare, Nancy is taking a well-deserved retirement. She won’t be going too far away, however, as we hear that she is going to make her home […]

Community Outreach

The value of mental health outreach into the communities of rural Uganda was demonstrated again this week as the team from Kagando Hospital, led by PCO Joseph Wakabo, held an outreach clinic at Kinyamaseke, supported by Jamie’s Fund. Kinyamaseke is 12km from Kagando Hospital which can take up to an hour, travelling by car on […]